A past He had surpassed ...
Youth, this word sells dreams. “Carpe Diem”, “You only live once : YOLO” and a bunch of expressions were inspired by this time of life we would like so much to keep forever and carefully … Oh ! Youth !
My youth looked so bright from the outside. Wonderful parents, though imperfect but so caring and so loving; two adorable young brothers so funny, real sunhines, a true brotherhood bound by such a great love; success in my studies ; lots of friends ; a life by the sea, with nature and animals all around in a huge area ; and the “POPularity” … What more could we ask for, would you tell me?
And yet, the story I am going to tell you is one of a broken heart, a lost soul, a dirty life, real rags which one day were picked up by a Divine Artist : He made it become a white and shiny dress, festive clothes !
God gave me a gift : my voice. At 13, after participating a well-known program of reality-TV in Madagascar, I was suddenly put under the spotlights. From show to show, from clip to clip, I moved in a world of showbiz from my early age, and it made me grow up faster than the music. In fact, I spent time only with people much older than me, and very quickly I was engaged in practices of this word. I thought I was happy and I loved this fame, I loved my own glory ! Nevertheless, when the night came, I sometimes cried when I was alone in my bedroom …. I thought it was normal as it was just a teenage crisis.
During these few years at High school, I was a very good student because of my good grade in spite of my glamorous life. At that point I applyed God for a scholarship in order to study abroad. I just ignored that it was God who put this prayer in my heart.
Yes, I was a believer, my parents tried to give me christian values to which I was attached, and I knew that God was with me. But I didn’t understand Christ’s action on the Cross and the concept of sin was totally vague for me. Until the day when …
God answed to my prayer and I arrived in France with my scholarship for starting my graduate studies. I moved from “national star” to “famous unknown” and all the attention I received (from my parents, my friends, my family, my fans) has gone away. Actually, at 10,000 km away from my country, I had nothing more. I was so attached to my glory that I invented a new life, a more interesting story with my new friends and acquaintances in order to own their attention and to be the focus of their conversations. Then, I gradually felt into a mythomania and started to believe my own lies. I loved keeping at this vicious circle and I was even happier in my fake life. This lasted over 2 years …
One day God put on my way a very special person : He revealed truth in his heart about my life, as well as every time I lied for something, he knew it. God placed indications everywhere in order to make this person gradually discovered the fake life I invented. So one day I decided to start all from the beginning and I admitted I had a real problem that made me suffer and that I had to be delivered from my lies … .
At the same time, in early 2011, two Christian girls (who had the same first name) wanted to pray for me. At that time, I made a lot of nightmares in which I was struggling, and in the morning I woke up covered in bruises. The very special person led me to these girls and we prayed together asking God to deliver me. Gradually the prayers of these sisters, I felt the links breaking and then, I met to cry in warm tears. For the first time, I was aware of the weight of my sin and my intense suffering. It was then the beginning of a strong struggle angainst myself and against satan’s work.
But in July 2011, the very special person who was my only great confident in my battle left for 2 months to Madagascar. Thus I was alone to face my concerns and myself. Moreover, at the same time, I missed the competition for integrate the academy I wished, and I had an opportunity for integrate a school in Le Havre in Normandy. I did’nt know anybody and I hold a bad conception of this town which removed the desire to go. However, it was in that town that God wanted me. I was angry against Him but yet I seeked Him like ever. I brang so down that I had no other choice to turn me to Jesus : it was the only solution in my situation. I needed Him and His powerful Hand, not for changing the circumstances but for changing my heart.
PEACE and JOY: The Eternal Meeting
August 2011. Blackness. Obscurity. Tunnel.
I sought so much the Lord that I could attend three church services each sunday in different churches and even on weekdays ! I was thirsty and I could not bear myself anymore, I needed to be turned upside down.
Nevertheless it was not in a church I met Jesus. He came to me in the night of August 6th to August 7ths 2011 in my bedroom. It was a day as the others and we were going to shoot the video of a Gospel group I just joined recently. God showed His Glory by stopping the rain at the right time and in that evening, one friend brang me to a prayer group with other young people. As part of this group, we were invited to share a few themes one oh which was humility. At the end of the meeting, while we shared a meal, a young girl raised her voice and spoke to me in front of everybody. I hated you, I hated you in the past and when I saw you video going on, I changed the channel. I couldn’t stand your laughter nor to see you on TV. When I saw you coming out that door, I said to the Lord “why did You bring her there ?” …
But though, I was very moved by your sharing just before and I beg you to apologize me. I also beg the Lord to forgive me.
This young girl might not know it nowadays (so, M …. if you are reading this story) but the Lord used this moment to bring me to Him. I heard my own feelings toward the words she spoke outloud, yes, actually I hated myself and it was why I hid myself behind some appearances and lies. But despite this, I knew SOMEONE who loved me with a deep love.
On my way home, tears kept flowing and once in my bedroom, I knelt down in front of the King of Kings. I was overwhelmed by HIs love I didin’t deserve but He wanted to give it to me. I FINALLY understood what Jesus has done for ME on the Cross, how He died for my sins and how He offered me His Hand … He just waited for me to take it. An undescribable feeling came to me and I began to repent of all my sins. An undescribable PEACE came and took place in my heart…. That night, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior. It was THE meeting. He saved me !
I never felt as happy as that moment. At last, a Real happiness and I was able to LOVE at last, I was able to LOVE MYSELF and I could at last LOVE HIM ! For me, It was the beginning of freedom and LIFE …
THE GREAT DIVE, the great plunge, the great “yes”: great things with Jesus … .
Quite a while after, I made a dream : I was put into a water in which I was purified. So I was baptised like Christ said in His Word, the Bible.
Pushed by the Holy Spirit to get my situation sorted out in front of God, I married a short time after the very special person (also touched by Christ a few months before), a person I loved so deeply and I still love so much and we are presently parents of fiur very special babies.
Persevering in FAITH
I have so much to say about what God did in my life, and how He continues every day, but the key is to say : Jesus in His huge Love has suffered on the Cross in order I can find my joy in Him and feel FREE, to do good and to do it well, today and for the eternity !
Today again, I keep growing and I’m far from being perfect, but as Paul said “It’s not that I already won the best price or reached perfection, but I still run to get it, because me too, I have been touched by Jesus Christ.”
Yes, I am in this kind of race and I have the Eternal life. I found happiness. And that’s why I wanted to share it with you.
This is my story … Jesus still has another beautiful story to write : YOURS !
Just let Him come into your heart