My story
I always envisioned myself Helping others, i wasn’t sure how or in what field of business but the passion was always there. It grew from growing up with a grandfather with ALS. In ALS patience it’s important to maintain a healthy body weight to preserve the body’s highest level of function, muscle strength, and endurance. So a healthy lifestyle was Implemented. After my grandfathers passing(2002), i became depressed and developed suicidal tendencies. It wasnt until i met my life partner that i tried to find my way back to happy and healthy. I only became successful in that endeavor after having my son(2018). I sought out to heal myself through holistic and natural methods. Choosing to implement healthy eating, exercise and self development has made me a happier momma and wife. I’m feeling like my healthiest self. I’m passionate about encouraging and holding others accountable through support to create healthier habits so they can feel their happiest and healthiest, too!