need for a savior
My name is Bryce Warden and I have known Jesus Christ personally since I was about seven years old. Though the details of my salvation experience from that age are dim, I do remember genuinely realizing before that moment and in that moment that I was in serious need of a Savior. This central theme has remained part of my walk with Christ from this point onwards. As I have grown older and continued to struggle to obey Christ and resist sinful temptations, I have been constantly humbled and reminded of my desperate need for the saving power of Jesus Christ.
When I was younger, I thought my Dad was the coolest guy around. I did not think there could be possibly anything wrong with him. When I began to express my interest in what it meant to be a follower of Christ, my dad talked to me about it. We began to talk about the concept of sin in our lives. He asked me, "Do I sin?" and I, as any loving son who thought his dad was a hero would say, "No of course not!". My dad then shook his head and informed me that he too was a sinner in need of God's grace. It was at the age I then realized that we all have sinned and are inherently evil and are in need of a sinless and loving Savior. Not long after this conversation, I would pray to receive Christ into my life upon a more full understanding.
As I grew older, I continued to attend church with my family and learn more about God. At the age of ten, there was a youth retreat at my church. During the retreat, I truly began to experience the "unconditional" love of God. At the age of ten, I had no idea what unconditional meant initially. I remember asking my mom and she telling me, "that means God is going to love you no matter what". I was overwhelmed that regardless of who I was or what I chose to do, God still desired to have a personal relationship with me. I made a recommitment to God at the end of the weekend. During my senior year of high school, I experienced a serious case of depression and anxiety following a close friend's choice to engage in a sinful lifestyle. Though I believe I certainly overreacted, the mental distress that I suffered from would last for months afterward. It was through the distress of this period that I began to truly appreciate and praise God for the astrounding PEACE that he offers us through the sacrific of His Son.
Today, I am still striving to follow Christ. Upon becoming a college student, I have begun to more fully understand that mercy and forgiveness of God, and the intimate relationship He desires to have with you. I have also studied other religions and theories on the world and of other people groups and this has often challenged my faith in Christ and often caused me to doubt, but in the end of I have always found that His existence permeates throughout and His message is truth. I still have numerous struggles with sins in my life, but I continue to seek and study to know God. When I am in close relationship with Him and studying who He is, I find that I can easier battle these sinful temptations that I am often confronted with.
If you have any questions about Jesus Christ or anything regarding my story, I would love to talk to you and get to know you better. If you would like to take a closer look at my profile and find my contact information, feel free.