Striving to succeed
One day I had to ask myself: «Do I only live to get good grades at school? Is the main thing I care about what my classmates and other people think about me?»
At the same time when I began to study at university I also began to question many aspects of my life as I had lived it so far. Questions I had previously not asked myself (or had avoided to ask) now came up and would no longer allow to remain unanswered. I started searching for the meaning of my life, began to wonder about the purpose of my day to day life. I asked myself what the actual purpose was behind getting up every morning and I started to question this life of never-ending pressure to succeed I had come to live. Why do I do this? This made me ask myself whether I was actually living in the here and now, or whether life was much rather passing me by because I was constantly wishing for and thinking about the next day, the next holidays. «Am I living at all? Is this all that life has to offer? Shouldn’t there be more?»
Steps of faith
In a seminar I visited at the beginning of my studies I became friends with people who believed in God. The peaceful atmosphere in their company and their friendly attitude as well as their unconditional acceptance of who I was fascinated and captivated me so that I wanted to get to know more about the Christian faith. It struck me how little I actually knew about it. And it was astonishing how good it felt to learn more about God.
This broadened my view of life just at that point in my life where I was at risk of losing myself in a mere pursuit of academic success and was about to settle for a life dominated by pressure and career thinking.
Although I did not understand everything about God and the Christian faith right away, very quickly a world opened itself up to me that I had not known before and that presented me with a confidence and certainty with regard to the questions I had about this life. And so I decided one day that I wanted to enter into a relationship with God. I prayed a prayer in which I committed my life fully to Jesus Christ. This was the most important decision I had ever made in my life – and I will never regret to have made that step.
Discovering life to the fullest
My relationship with God proved to be an entirely new source of strength and comfort in my life. I can come to God and bring to Him all my worries, questions, fears and insecurities and discuss them with Him in prayer instead of letting them gain control over me. In return for what I lay down I receive such great joy and strength which helps me to tackle the challenges of my sometimes hectic everyday life and which presents me with confidence, a sense of purposefulness and enthusiasm.
Ever since I chose to live my life in a relationship with God I am experiencing a very profound peace within myself, a feeling like having come home. Jesus has become my absolutely unshakable foundation on which I rest and build up my life. He is my strength and my power, my joy and wisdom. I have come to experience firsthand that God loves me no matter what. He loves me just as I am, irrespective of how I do at university. And I have come to know that God has a wonderful plan for my life – and for yours!
Jesus says: «I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.» (John 10:10b)
Are you asking yourself similar questions as I have or do you have difficulties figuring out who this God is? I would love to hear from you and share with you more of my experiences with God.