Jesus has restored
Joyce Meyer on Radio Bonne Nouvelle
Since 2014, I listen to Radio Bonne Nouvelle in Libreville, Gabon. I was encouraged in this by one of my cousins. I met Joyce Meyer, through the waves, her preaching about our daily difficulties such as "Enjoy Your Life." Her message captivated me, I recognized myself, indeed. I remember one afternoon, where one of my aunts recognized Joyce's voice on the radio. In the car then we discussed, three women from different worlds: Catholic, Protestant and believing. We spoke about a woman of faith who was at thousands of kilometers far away from us. I had no idea that in May 2015, I will be in France to hear her preach.
Joyce Meyer touches me and talks to me
When I returned to France in February, graduated and in seeking employment, I experience what the Bible says in Matthew 7 verse 7 "seek and you shall find." Since March 2015, I watch an average of two sermons of Joyce Meyer per week. I read a book about her; and, right now, I read "Battlefield of thought." Her testimony, which she endured in her childhood, her tumultuous relationship with others comfort me, touch me and talk to me.
An unforgettable moment at the conference with Joyce Meyer
On 8 May 2015, I participated for the first time to a Christian conference. Amazing! Joyce Meyer Ministries, Top Christian and volunteers have really succeed. The day was beautiful. My presence there was not accidental. I was in the right place at the right time. I thank the Lord for having put into the heart of my cousin the idea to go there. Thank you Jesus.
God changed me
God changed Joyce, He restored. Similarly, He did this to me. For twenty-six years of my life, I was angry, nervous, suspicious, jealous and whimsical. I was not paying my confidence. Like her, I was heart broken by inner childhood offenses (rejection, indifference…). Joyce is great tool in God’s hands to change other lives, as all prise and glory goes to our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Christian life does not end with what we see, what one hears or feels. Walking with God is also forget what we are, and to ask forgiveness for accepting its imperfections.
We are not responsible for emotions of others. Therefore, our peace should not depend on it.
You too can change!
May the peace of God floods you and be with you!
Therese Esther