I found my Heavenly Father!
Is He still waiting for me?
I am wife of an entrepreneur, mother of six children, I have one daughter in-law and two son-in-laws and I’m a grandma of eight children.
Until last years my faith included praying before going to bed – I praised or asked for the help of God. You could tell that I was trying to get towards the God, because somehow, the whole time I was thinking that He is real and true, though distant to me.
Then began a period of years when I lost loved ones, my family members got siseases and my life became distressing in many ways. After jet another ordeal, I gave up. I ran completely out of my strength.
My prayers changed changed to frequent sighs:
“Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on me.”
And He did mercy on me. A little by little I gently got comfort and got new kind of hope. I believe that Jesus helped me, healed my wounds, saved me and also created something new.
That´s how I found the Father, whom I am beloved and precious. Father, whose love I can not – and I do not need – to earn with my own actions.
What has changed? Everything – but also nothing.
The biggest change is that now I feel my true life alive. Some things I have received miraculous assistance. In my heart is joy and peace in my heart. Our marriage is a whole new kind of love and respect.
I’m still having those little worries and also big difficulties. And those times when God seems to keep silent. I still mess up sometimes, because I’m small, weak and will always remain sinful. But now, for the sake of Jesus, I have a straight connection to the Father. To the Father, who has promised to hear my pryers and answer them in a way of His and in a schedule of His. To the Father who is faithful: He does not change, does not cancel His promises, and never abandons.
Pekka Simojoki is one of the most prominent Christian songwriters in Finland.
One of his most loved songs is called “The Hymn”. In the lyrics there are these questions:
“Is He still looking at His window, just to see one of the lost ones?
Does He know how I waste everything? Does He notice how I am wandering? “
My answer is: “Yes.” Now I know God was patiently waiting for me the whole time.
And “Yes“: He is still looking out of His window and waiting – for You.
Thank You for reading my story.
Through salvation and trials, God called me home to the one I was created.
What is Your current situation?
Have You been or are going through something similar?
Do You have a feeling of emtiness? Longing for something?
Jesus is the answer!
I´d love to hear from You.
Blessings, Päivi