Lost and Found

About 20 years ago, God spoke to me, and said ” speak for me”, the voice was as though it was rivers of water, it was deep, I was laying in my hospital bed with double pneumonia , wasn’t yet ready to obey what he was asking me. Prior to God speaking to me, I attended a women’s conference, and the preacher ask me do I want to be baptized in the Name of Jesus, I said yes, however I was already saved since the age of 9. I remember going under the water and coming back up filled with the holy spirit, I came up speaking in a heavenly language , but it didn’t end there, I left the building got into my mother’s car, and the whole world seemed different. About a month after receiving my gifts, I slept over my mom’s house, and about 3am I remember this awful smell as of burning bodies or blood, came to me, however I ignored it, but then as I turned to the television it was a man with no skin and he blew something out. I immediately rushed into my mom’s bed room and ask if she could come and pray with me, as I began to pray and walk all over the house, I remembered seeing about a thousand people in the corner naked and tremberling with fear., that’s when I knew my second gift from God, I was able to recognize and see the enemy, and see the power of God. After that experience I started running from God, being disobedient to his voice, I didn’t want to hear him anymore,. My marriage fell, I started committing adultery, lying cheating and always angry. Then one morning about 3am, God spoke to me, and said go to Isaiah 54, after reading, I remembered falling asleep, and dreaming that I was in this neighborhood and this lady invited me to go inside this house where Jesus and a man with red hair was having this conversation, I remember being at Jesus feet and seeing so much horror, with the world, water floods, volcanoes errupt ,fire, roads being blocked because of flooding. Then as I woke up I had a time clock around my neck and as I open the door electricity filled my body, and I went up, through the clouds and I could see the stars but it was dark. I was sitting on the white bench, I had my head down, then something happened, I ended up in heaven how I knew it was heaven ,well it was beautiful, I saw the blue sky, I was in a banquet hall, a room with many tables that had family names, like a wedding perhaps. My story is simple, I’m one of his lost sheep’s I follow no other. I was lost in sin, but The Almighty God found me, he will never leave nor forsaken me. Even though I sinned much, God had mercy on me, if he did it for me ,he can, and will do the same for you, hallelujah to King Jesus , he lives forever.

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