Who Jesus is not?
My name is Jacob. I have invited Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior, when I was little, so I do not remember much from that time. I would like to tell who Jesus Christ is for me today.
I am 15 years old and I go to the middle school. A few weeks ago, during one of my talks to my classmates I understood that for them the Christianity is something else than for me. I have the impression that for them Christianity is a collection of duties, that they need but do not want to do. For me that is the primary element of my life. My friends look at God as somebody living in church building, somebody one sing songs and talk to him earlier learnt prayers. As if God would be limited to the wooden statue or powerless picture. I know different Him. He answers prayers and leads my life.
For instance, lately with my whole family we read the Holy Scripture and I could see that Jesus did not judge by appearances. A few days later I had to work on a scenario together with a person who does not have a good reputation among my classmates, person I earlier knew only by sight. I decided not to judge basing on negative opinions of others. And it turned out that God was right, that person was very good coworker.
We often pray for God’s support in difficult situations that we may face in the future. Once on the traveler’s festival I won a nice tent, another time me and my friends had a very good performance as a cabaret.
I would like that all of my friends and other people could know the true Jesus.