I once was lost, but now am found..
Hi! I’m Jackie from Malaysia! I’m 21 (giggles). Just kidding! I’m 41. Ahem! (clears throat).
I would like to share with you a little about what Jackie was before she encountered Christ in a personal way. I’m cradle Catholic. I used to be a regular Sunday church-goer for many years. And I used to club a lot. I used to club every weekend, Friday… Saturday…Friday…Saturday… And I realised the reason I was doing this was because I was trying to escape from my problems and what I was going through.
And then when I started preparing for World Youth Day, Brazil, that was when I encountered Christ in a personal way and my life wasn’t the same again after that. I actually stopped clubbing. I still dance but for the right reasons.
Things have just been amazing since I encountered Christ. I love volunteering at church and ministries. And I am continuing to journey with Christ as my Saviour and I hope that in my journey I will continue to grow and I hope that my testimony has touched you in some way.
And...I’m looking forward to seeing you in Poland! Thank you! Bye!