Cynthia Doss

Petaling jaya, Malaysia

GOD: My Best Friend

Hi my name is Cynthia Doss. I am married, a wife to a wonderful husband and a mother of three beautiful children. Everything I have I owe to God. As far as I can remember, God has always been my friend. In my younger days he was just my catholic acquaintance and as I got older, God became my friend and in my adult life he became my best friend. I am a born catholic. My parents’ faith and trust in God was amazing. Just like any devoted catholic family, Sunday mass, Sunday school and novena was not an option. Being a catholic for me then was just going through the motion and following the catholic rites. Looking back I am very glad my parents put the fear of God in me. It definitely kept me out of trouble. It was those split second decisions between what was right and wrong that I always saw the image of god, and that kept me in check. For that my siblings and I have to thank my parents. It was only as a young adult did I truly value, respect and trust GOD. When I had a nasty accident, all through my journey I kept hearing and seeing this bible verse all the time. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight." In the most unlikely of places this bible verse would appear. It was as if god was talking to me. As my best friend I began to realize God knows what I need, he is my strength when I am weak, my teacher whom I adore and respect and my comforter when things fall apart. It has not been an easy journey for me to trust in him as I do, but I truly believe if you just open your heart and love him, he will slowly but surely teach you to trust him and give you the inner strength you seek. As a parent, I would like my children to journey with god by trusting and seeking shelter in his wisdom and love. Attending the WYD in Spain and Brazil was my way of building beautiful spiritual memories with my children, as we journey together to witness and praise god. Also for them to see the different expressions of love for God, in this awesome gathering of young people and most of all to be part of the Universal love and praise for God.

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