I finally did it !
Sure my family had taken me to church before. But one Sunday evening I finally did it. I actually listened to what was being said. It was at that point I realized that on my own merit I would never have a chance of entering heaven after I died. I know we all do not give much thought to life after death. But I knew that I was not going to make it on my good works. I had to admit that I was a pretty rotten guy and I needed help. By listening I learned that God had made a provision for me and you because He knew we could not make it on our own. God sent Jesus to earth to live a sinless life and to die in our place for the sins of the world. I knew that I wanted this gift but I was afraid to go forward in front of everyone else. I struggled as the music played. Finally after some time I knew God was speaking to me and calling me out to follow Him. I practically ran down front. There I met with the leader and we knelt together and I prayed and invited Jesus to be the ruler of my life. Every since then He has been my best friend. Jesus wants to be your best friend also. You can pray right now, right where you are and invite Him to be the ruler of your life. You will never regret this decision and He will be the best friend you ever had.