Shoes, Sweets and Jesus
As a little girl, I had three loves. Shoes, sweets and Jesus. When asked by my parents about my future plans I had trouble choosing between the three. A shoe shop meant endless free shoes. A sweet shop meant endless free sweets!
I have known Jesus since I was a little girl. I grew up with parents who schooled me in the Bible and introduced me to the teachings of Christianity. It meant more to me than simply Sunday school. Jesus was real to me, he talked to me as a child and I loved him. This was a love would prove to be far greater than shoes and sweets.
At 12, having experienced the cruelty of the kids at school as a result of my choice to be different, I attempted rebellion. I wanted to fit in, be liked and be part of their crowd.
After two weeks, I felt less like myself than ever before. I didn't like who I was, I was uneasy, anxious, upset, and the "friendships" that I had weren't real and I knew it. I decided rebellion wasn't for me.
For future plans based on my three loves, I chose Jesus. I told Jesus I wanted to follow Him, and that I was all in: 100%, no compromise, "take all of me" style. Suffice to say I have benefited from avoiding different varieties of tooth decay and finding storage solutions for my materialistic gasping need for a new pair of shoes.
It has been the most epic adventure since. Crazy, tragic, fun, heart-breaking, hilarious, safe, risky: beyond what I could have hoped for, more than I have ever dreamed about. I have not been exempt from personal tragedy. But through it all, I have had a relationship with a living, loving God that sustains me.
I don't want a quiet life, dictated completely by rules and regulations. I follow a Jesus that charters the craziest of exploits. Living for Him I have experienced a freedom to know who I am and why I am here: far more exhilarating than the acquirement of a new pair of heels or a sugar rush!