I Was Religious Until I Met Jesus
I grew up very religious, and remained that way until I met Jesus. I went to church every Sunday, had very good grades, and drove a nice car. I stayed “religious” by spending my time with friends who called themselves Christians, going to youth group, and occasionally attending church. I knew "religion," but not God.
Then I went to university. Most of my friends went away and I stopped going to Church except maybe once per month. I was still the "good kid” because I wanted to keep God away and keep my family happy. That’s when one of my best friends at university invited me to attend a Bible study and I reluctantly said yes, though I would have rather played videogames. This is where I was confronted with the Gospel, or in other words the good news of Jesus. It didn’t just happen once, but over and over again. It took a year, but God eventually softened my heart and made me realize my real condition. I was not right with God and I could never be good enough on my own no matter how religious I was. I had a sin issue (living for myself and not God) and the only solution and hope was in Jesus. Soon after I surrendered my life to Jesus. At that point I was freed from religion, forgiven for living for myself, and brought into a right relationship with God. From there, my life began to transform.
I learned that not only did Jesus rescue me, but the Holy Spirit, who is God Himself, came to live in me. He helps my life to become more about Jesus and helps me to share Jesus with others. He helps me to be sure that I'm right with God and loved. He shows me areas in my life where I need to change in order to become more like Jesus. He gives me everything I need to live for God.
God eventually led me to someone who, besides Jesus Himself, has had the most impact on me and my relationship with God. That person is Rachel, my fiancée (you should check out her story too—Rachel Duelo!). God has used her to point me to Jesus more than anyone I know, and now we have the privilege of serving together with Cru in The Netherlands, where God has called us to leave everything we know (homes, families, potential careers--not easy to give up but worth it) so that others can hear the good news about Jesus too.
Instead of just being religious by my own effort, God’s free gift of Jesus has brought me into an intimate relationship with Him and brought me to where I’m at today. The cool thing is, Jesus invites you to believe and trust him with your life too. Romans 8 says “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Are you ready to trust in that promise? If you want to know more, message me--I would love to chat!