Ben Fudge

Cambridge, UK

Job From Nowhere

I had just finished my 2nd year at uni, so had headed back home until September with a big need for a summer job looming. The realisation that I would have no more money left in my overdraft by August set off sheer panic stations!

Throughout this however, I strangely had a sense that it would all work out but how this would even be possible was so unclear I ended up pushing this thought to the back of my mind and allowed the stress to take control.

With a Project in Romania coming up, due to money and a job being on my mind, it meant that I had to book in a last minute appointment for my Hepatitis A jab needed for the trip. I arrived at the clinic at 9am and went straight in for my appointment. During a brief conversation with the nurse, revolving around uni, the weather and my plans for my summer with no hope of a job…. By 9:15am I was offered a job at the Health clinic to start when I returned from Romania!

Throughout this period, I really experienced God’s provision. I had just fundraised nearly £900 for Romania, which God provided through some amazing people and now when I thought money for my own living was going to be an issue; God easily provided a job out of the blue…

Now I fully trust in God and that he will provide for me in everything, especially when my back is against the wall and when it looks like there is no way out. 

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