Ayé Clarisse Hager-M'Boua

Wallisellen, Switzerland

delivered by jesus

Since my childhood, I'm wondering why people use their spiritual power for evil works instead of good works(ie talking about witchcraft, demonic forces, evil forces, ...).

In fact, I am from a witchcraft family. To explain what witchcraft is, I will just say: the wizards of my family tried several times to kill me. Indeed, they kill people in the spiritual realm by sending deseases, accidents, etc. and then people will get ill, will have accidents, and so on. I thought and was convinced that we can do good works. Actually that is the Will of God for human beings (the entire creation): to do good works. (Ephesiens 2:10)

So I was pursued by the wizards of my family. I will then have nightmares in which I was fighting against evil spirits (all kind of animals related to the evil spirits). One night, it was so tough: I was surrounded by the evil spirits: they made a cercle all around me waiting to catch me. I was then under the roots of a big tree asking myself how I can get out from this. Then I heard a voice saying to me: "Cry out JESUS". (In fact, I knew about Jesus, but I was not Christian as I am now.) I thought, well, I have no other solution. So I decided to do what the voice told me to do. I cried out: "JESUS!" and suddenly all the animals (the evil spirits) disappeared. And then I found myself in a countryside with a huge brightness. And there stood before me the Priest of my village. When I wake up I knew that I have to give my life to JESUS making Him, my personal Lord & Saviour.

Then I decided to make the catechism that I started and then left when I was at the primary school. After three years of catechism, I was baptized in April 1993 (2 months to get 20 years old). Two years later, I received the sacrement of confirmation and was committed to serve JESUS, my Lord & Saviour, in the Liturgical Group of the Catholic Students of the University of Abidjan-Cocody in Ivory Coast. Subsequently in Geneva, in Switzerland, after having received in 1998 the Swiss Scholarship for Foreign Students.

So for a person who was supposed to be killed, I am now, by the Grace of the Lord JESUS, married and have two children. Indeed, the Lord has delivered me from evil spirits, evil works. Now I have no fear of witchcraft and I want to tell you that JESUS is the Power above all powers. So do not fear the enemies, go forward in JESUS Name! With my husband, we have founded in October 2013 a NGO named "Nutrition & Education for Children" a charity for the needy (from 4 to 18 years old) in Ivory Coast. 

"For we are His workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10

Praise the Lord, YHV, the Almighty, our God for his Love, his Mercy & his Grace!!! May his Holy Name, JESUS "God saves" be glorified now and forevermore. Amen.

=> I will appreciate to have feedback or share your experience with JESUS.

Shalom, Clarisse











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