Crushed by a truck.
My life without God.
I spent the first sixteen (16) years of my life in unbelief and ignorance with regard to my relation with God. Then came December 26, 1993 in the evening where in my room, I accepted JESUS as my Savior and Lord and invited Him to lead my life.
Before that day, I used to go assiduously to church where I was very active. I made all my efforts to lead a life that was pleasant to God, but my efforts to avoid sin were vain. According to my religious culture, I knew that if I committed some sins, it is possible to catch up even after death. Our mom brought us up in this religious life and it was part of our lifestyle from childhood. I didn't fail to recite prayers as I always had a prayer book with me. However, I had never read the Bible. I used to steal my parents’ money and cheat in school. It is by cheating that I went from the class of 6e to 4e. I was also a boisterous student in the high school where I was known under the pseudonym of "Billy Show".
The following circumstances led me to become a Christian:
When I was twelve (12) years old and in my first year in secondary school, I was victim of two road accidents that same year. Monday, August 13th 1990 at 1:00 p.m, a truck crushed me from my feet to my head leaving me with fractures of the left collarbone and of the left ankle and provoked a cranial trauma. In the same year, I was coming back from school in October and was knocked down by a car and had my right shoulder broken.
From my second year in the secondary school, not knowing why, I began to be interested in things that concerned God and life beyond death especially. In my passion to read comic strips, I even read some Christians ones. The difference between Christian comic strips and others was the page at the end, where the reader was invited to give his/her life to Jesus Christ. It was stated clearly that all those who die without Jesus will finish in Hell with Satan. In the class of 4e, a girl was telling about Jesus in the school yard. As I listened to her talking about Jesus with passion and boldness, something happened in me. I wanted to know Jesus as she did. I went closer to her to know if it was possible for me to know Jesus; to make Him my Lord and have a relation with him as she did; for I was already convinced that if I had died during one of the two accidents I had, I would have been a candidate for the lake of fire. I realized that receiving JESUS would mean to abandon stealing (that permitted me to lead a life of "a big boy" in the high school, to buy my comic strips, etc.) and cheating (that permitted me to pass from one class to the other) and to become a correct student. I decided to be in the camp of Jesus and on 26 December 1993, during Christmas holidays, in my room, I said the prayer that was on the back of a tract titled: "Where will you spend eternity?" I decided, with Jesus' help, to abandon cheating and to get to work by myself. From the moment I answered Christ's call in my life, a passionate adventure began with Him. I read the whole Bible three times during the first year following my conversion.
From the beginning of the second Term, I shared my faith in class and in the high school instead of being boisterous. I never cheated in class again since that day. I have always walked with the Lord since I answered his call but, at a certain moment I desired more. I didn't want to be a mere spectator in church anymore. I asked God what is my role as member of his body. I wanted to be useful to God.
My work with God.
God saw the desire of my heart and in 2001, following circumstances that He worked together for good, he gave me a mission; a ministry, that is to use modern means of the communication to preach the Gospel. I was employed by a Cameroonian computer engineering company, Internet service provider for five (5) years. It is during my stay in this company, where I occupied several posts of responsibility, that I received a direct call from the Lord, to use ICTs to spread the good news of the Kingdom. The website "Cameroonforjesus.net" was created to achieve this call. It is the 1st Christian website in Cameroon that is online since 2001. Other services were created to continue this work: "BibleSms.net" to spread the gospel among the users of cell phones for the evangelization of the Cameroonian society and "PrayerSMS.com" to mobilize the church in Cameroon through cell phones to pray for the church and the nation. I am married to Adeline since 2008; we have four (4) children. We are in full-time service to spread the Gospel through modern methods of communication.
With us on the mission field.
We are convinced that Internet is not only a missionary field but a tool that we must be appropriate to for the sake of Christ. Missionary work being an effort of co-operation between "the goers" and the "senders" (Romans10:14-15), we need YOU to be partner with us on the mission field.
Would you mind to become a partner with us?
For more information about us, our family and what we do, please visit our family website at http://en.fekou.net/