Trusting God in a new life
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)
TRUTH what is the real meaning of this word?
I’ve spent all my life desperately looking for answers, until one day three angels came into my life and showed me the way, the truth and the life.
I grew up in a “good catholic” family (as they will define themselves); every week we would go to church, but I could see that beyond this there was nothing more. As a child I was full of questions about life, faith, and God but no one would answer them. When I was 16 this was the main reason why I decided to run away from the church and do things on my own.
From that moment I started trying to fill my life with all the things I liked, passions, hobbies, studies, people, but I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t feel satisfied. I would say to myself, "maybe when I reach that goal I will feel complete; maybe if I get a boyfriend I will fill the void I have inside me."
One day I met a girl. As soon as I saw her I realized there was something different in her. There was a spark in her eyes; she was happy. It was the first time I could see and touch the joy of a person.
We started to talk, and we became friends. When I asked her what was the secret of her happiness, she said, "my relationship with Jesus."
I still remember the first thing I thought was that she’s crazy!
But we continued to be friends, and I met others Christians as well, until one day, after almost 2 years, I decided I was ready to have a relationship with Jesus.
My life before that was empty, insecure and I was anxious about everything, full of fears, craving approval and love in people.
One night I was in my bed and I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t stop thinking about a guy I liked for months, and in that moment I decided to stop all that. I couldn’t let my life depend on circumstances, if I had a boyfriend or not. I wanted to be free!
I knew what I had to do; the only way was Jesus. And also if it seemed crazy, I felt my heart wanted that.
I can say that since that moment of resignation my life started to change. I placed all my life in the Lord’s hands. I asked for forgiveness. I accepted all the God’s immeasurable love for me. I tried to replace all the sinful feelings in my heart with peace!
My life surely is not perfect now. I still live with my anxieties and fears, but I know that Jesus will always be with me and he will never leave me.
I’m not alone anymore, and finally I no longer pursue happiness. But I rejoice in the present for who I am in Christ, I’m thankful for everything I have, and I face my fears heads up.
In the end I have to say that my smile came back. I’d lost that for years, but now it will always be with me because I am born again. I was dead but the love of Christ saved me!