Why I know God is there.
Hi everyone my name is Savanna and I am 18 years old. I've been through alot for someone my age but through it all I know that God is there. This is my story... I was born with a cleft palate, a congenital split in the roof of the mouth, people who are born with this naturally have problems with their ears and sinus's. I went through alot of surgeries and for some reason each one failed, but finally in 5th grade I got the opportunity to go to one of the best doctors in this field and finally the surgery was successful. Growing up with a cleft palate was hard; I was bullied alot because my voice sounded different. Even now I still have people tell me I sound weird, sometimes it hurts because I just want to be normal but now I realize if that hadn't of happened to me I wouldn't be the same person I am today. I wouldnt be able to tell my story. This is how it all started but fast forward to the age of 16, this was when I was in a really bad car accident. When I say bad I mean bad my car was completely totaled. I was taken to the hospital and when I got there the doctor was amazed he said that I should have been paralyzed or even worse dead, but I wasnt. I walked away from that car accident with a few scratches and a concussion; after the fact I didnt drive for a while I was scared to. When I finally did everything was ok. After that I was hit with a cyst on my ovarie then kidney stones, 20 in all. The devil has been coming after me to try and weaken my faith, but each time something has happened God has been there. He has always helped me get better, and I am so thankful for that. If you are losing faith please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to talk. Thank you for listening to my story and God bless you.