Broken. Restored. Loved.
As long as I can remember I know I believed in Jesus but I never truly gave him my life and put complete trust in him and his plans for me. In High School I started losing myself to the party life and loved drinking at an early age. I didn’t have my priorities straight and I disappointed my parents a lot by not going to church because I went partying the night before. I knew God had been trying to call me for a while because I have loving Godly parents, but I thought partying was the good life and didn't want to give that up. I felt guilt and shame for my actions but didn't know what else to do. For a while I would do both, go to church and party at night not realizing that I had to choose one.
I later moved to Dallas and quickly fell into the Dallas party scene there. I got into another ungodly relationship because it wasn’t Christ centered. I never made it a requirement to date men that believed in Jesus because I was lost and knew that I wasn’t living for God, even though I called myself a Christian. Then everything feel apart in my life, the guy I was dating broke up with me and at the same time my roommate and I were no longer getting along. She was my best friend and the only person I really had a good relationship with in Dallas. My life was falling apart and I didn’t feel like partying anymore, I didn’t feel like doing most things my roommate wanted to do, I felt like God was calling me to change. I moved out to my own apartment and realized I lost a lot of people in my life that weren’t really my friends but were just my partying friends. I felt completely alone in Dallas with no family and no friends anymore.
While living in Dallas I found a great church, Watermark. I went to their young adult services called The Porch and listened to the pastor speak on living for God. I felt God tugging at my heart with every message I heard. In February 2010 I cried and prayed to God and told him I would give him my life completely and I wanted nothing to do with my old life and my plans for myself. I know God came into my heart during that time because he completely changed me and since then he’s blessed me with life. I no longer have evil desires for partying, drinking, lust and treating others poorly. He answered all my prayers and I no longer feel alone, I have made great friendships with people at church and continue to meet new people all the time. Everything in my life is completely different but I love it and I’m up for the adventure that He brings me. I'm not perfect but now I have a purpose in life, to live for Christ and share His good news with others that are lost like I was. I truly understand why he died for our sins and saves us from the world. I no longer desire to live up to the standards of the world, all I want is to focus on Jesus and let Him lead my life.
It’s been 5 years since I trusted in Christ as my savior and I’m forever grateful for His love. He’s given me a passion for His word and sharing the good news with others in foreign countries. I feel so blessed to be able to do what I love for Christ. It hasn’t always been easy and I’ve struggled giving up my old ways but God continues to change me each day. As long as I’m focusing on the Lord he is renewing my mind daily and teaching me His ways.
I invite you to contact me if you have any questions about my story and how Jesus came into my life. I would be happy to talk to you about my savior Jesus Christ. :)