
Kuwait City, Kuwait

Enough, I surrender.

A few years ago, I found myself lacking inner peace. I wondered "What is the purpose of my existence?". I tried to meet the need by thinking good, speaking good, and doing good. It did not work. I lived a worldly life trying to fill the need. I kept on doing these things, but it did not work. I found emptiness in the value of my life. Then, I found myself already tired of unsatisfactory solutions. I was looking for inner peace, but searching for it outside. I said, "enough", I can not do it all by myself. I needed the help of the Supreme, Whom I believe created everything, and I know the ONLY WAY to get to Him is through JESUS CHRIST. Then I bowed down on my knees and said, "I surrender". Since I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior, I just did not find peace, I am sure I will get into heaven when I die. Now I know that my purpose in life is to glorify and serve God. Yes I am a sinner, but Jesus Christ already paid the price when He died on the cross for my sins. His resurrection guarantees I have eternal life. That is how I was saved, by the grace of God, and not by doing things right.
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