I Surrender
I grew up in a Christ-centered home and I don't ever remember a time where the church was not a central part of our lives.
I accepted Christ as my personal Savior when I was 4 yrs old and was baptized when I was five. When I was 11 years old I knew that God wanted me to serve Him in full-time ministry. But during my last couple of years of high school and first few years of college I ran from this calling and sought to position myself in a more financially rewarding career! During this time I struggled with my relationship with Christ and made some very poor decisions… the kind that involve the law. But through the ensuing consequences I experienced the love and compassion of Jesus through several teachers, as I had never experienced it before. When I thought my life was over and expected rejection, I was given acceptance. When I thought my future was finished and expected judgement, I was given grace. Since that time my life has been spent simply trying to show others the love of Christ, the way I was so vividly shown, to live the life God has called me to live, and to fulfill His purpose for me.
Learning to trust and serve God with everything that I am has been a challenging, exciting, and rewarding journey and I am excited to see where He will lead me next.
My ultimate goal in life is to stay out of God’s way and be completely and totally surrendered to Him at every moment and in every circumstance, no matter what it costs so that His will can be accomplished on earth.