As far as I remember, I have always lived in fear that a new sickle cell crisis occurs. No sport, no physical effort, no pool, no beach ... When the pains started, I never knew how long I would stay awake, sometimes it was 3 days, sometimes 1 or 2 weeks ... I cried more pain, the more I hurt ... Why, if God is love, is it so small children suffer? My first seizure was at the age of 6 months.
I was born into a Christian family, we are four children, I am the third, and the only one born sick with a genetic code carrying a blood group HBS / HBS, the most severe case of sickle cell anemia. It is an incurable disease, hereditary, my parents were each only carry a gene HBS. Instead of having one, as in my brothers and sisters, I have two HBS genes, medically I'm sick and can not do anything for me to prescribe me painkillers, and blood infusions to me to renew anemic and oxygenate my blood.
Inside me, I felt different from all the other children, I was often in the hospital for blood transfusions and that my condition stabilizes. But there was always a lag when I returned to school with my friends. Fortunately, my parents are giving me lots of love, they have always been there for me, always present at my bedside, praying the Lord to heal me. They never abandoned hope for divine healing. At the age of 14 I accept Jesus Christ into my life as Lord and Savior. I pray to Him to heal me and make a miracle, but crises are always present in my life at times when I did least expect.
At the age of 18, my seizures continued, and my mother encouraged me to pray and beseech the Lord to help me in my weakness and heal me. The same year, 2001, I made a new blood test and one day after while I did not expect, I get my test results by mail. An amazing thing happened, the genetic code at my blood has been replaced. I'm cured! I'm cured! Jesus Christ healed me!
Yes, "there is hope for your future! "(The Bible, Jeremiah 31: 17)
In 2012, I got married, I'm happy and healthy. I do sports, physical activities, beach, pool, bike, I sleep little bit, and be in good shape, because everything I need is in Jesus Christ.
Because Jesus Christ has the power to replace my genetic code, it can also cure you of all diseases, physical, emotional, social. Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day, and it changed my genetic code. It is wonderful to know that such a Saviour actually exists.
You too can know that Jesus forgives and heals today!