Freedom to be myself
To be accepted, what others think of me, do they like me was very important to me. I was feeling insecure, fearful, worrying to much about my future and didn't know what to hope from life. Probably the most I was scared of being unsuccessful, that I won't meet the standards or expectations others had for me. Being a teen was very difficult for me. I believed a lie that I am worthless, not talented or anyhow special. I was comparing myself to other girls all the time, I didn't like myself and sometimes that dislike would even grow into hatred. I couldn't admit to others, especially to myself, that deep down I felt restrained and not happy. I believed God existed, I heard about Him and His unconditional love from childhood, but I felt that my problems are not important, I am not important to God and He seemed far away. One night, during teens camp, I felt a strong desire to pray, to confess my sins and everything that was on my heart. I believe that night I experienced God's love and I gave my life to Jesus. That moment I knew that Jesus isn't only a historical figure. He is real, personal God, who loves every single person, who loves me. Nobody, absolutely nobody can give such a assurance, inner peace and unconditional love. All the worries or problems haven't disappeared still life with Jesus is full of freedom and purpose. As the bible say: "All who received Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." Now I know who I am, I am His daughter. I look joyfully to the future and I have never regretted my decision to follow Jesus and to trust my life to Him.