April 13th 1980 at 8:45 AM, I met Jesus
A tumultuous adolescence…
Born in the Northern French Alps, in a little practicing Catholic family with 5 children, I had a tumultuous adolescence while I was looking for happiness. After looking for answers to my existential questions in sport, politic, photography, alcohol and drug, I looked for help in occultism to set me free from chains that completely tied me.
I met this Jesus !
Finally, after 4 years of search in this spiritual world, I noticed that one of my friend struggling like me, changed his life after prayers from people belonging to a near-by Evangelical Church. So I went to this Church for a whole week to get an idea and I wanted to meet this Jesus they were talking about. I could not meet him without he revealed himself to me and I can tell you that he did and completely transform my life on April 13th 1980 at 8:45 AM ! He did it on this day by showing me the film of my life. As an answer, I dedicated my all life to him.
Serving him !
I immediately started to serve the Lord in many ways, in public places and in Christian environment first and then, starting 2000, to the ends of the earth as God showed me from the beginning of my new life with him.
Semer NGO
Semer, the NGO that I founded ( www.semer.info ) is located in different African countries, in Caribbean’s and South America, Haiti and Brazil for now. I published books and I constantly review. There is an ongoing challenge for the believers : excel by faith while you submit completely your life to the Lord in holiness and obedient and to his word the Bible. It gives a meaning to my life, I know where I come from and I know why and where I am going. What a comfortable and satisfactory position !
A devoted family!
In 1982 I married Christiane, we are fellowshipping in a Pentecostal Church in Nancy. Our 4 children, today adults, were baptized at 18 after they early met Jesus.
Join us! Imagine what kind of live you may live!