My way to Jesus
Elder of a family of six children, I always had the impression to believe in God. In fact, when I was a child, I received a catholic teaching through catechism. It was in the 80's. In this church, there was a sort of opening and I was baptized when I was 9. I took at the same time my first communion. I used to go to church on my own regularly until my adolescence. But I felt alone in that church which was almost empty.I did not talk to anyone… And, when I was a young student, I discovered news things ,not very beautiful ones, such as pornography…
Easy pornography
Of course, from that moment, I lost all my interest going to church and because of high speed and not expensive Internet, I could easily access to a free and unlimited source of ''skin flicks''. The more I spent time on those sites , the more I moved away from my studies and human relationships. I felt guilty! I knew God hated my behaviour and I tried to stop but in vain…
A deal with God
Once I had on my mind to find a job. So I started a deal with God. I stopped going on these sites for 2 years. But the links were too strong, I gave up, abandoning my work to appease my passion, lying to me, to my friends, and so during 6 years…I even tried to create and develop a ''start up'' without any enthusiasm or any motivation. I felt so bad !.. this evil being was accentuated by the fact that I met women who did not represent any interest for me…
'The woman of my life
Then I met the woman of my life ! It was in 2008, in an Evangelic church of Salvador country. Surprisingly,I understood spanish whereas I did not know that language very well! I discovered how the Bible is rich and essential to our lives.
One saturday evening, when I was in a park with my fiancée and her grand mother, that former told us how happy she was when she sang God praises. I had to confess that my favorite christian song was '' Ave Maria'' … She answered me with that question : " Well, Mary… Mother of God… Suppose you die tomorrow, where will you go? To hell ? To Heaven ?"
I carry on my way with Jesus
Of course I did not have the answer… So I started thinking about it very seriously. I decided to pray in order to receive Jesus in my life as my Savior and Lord, asking for the forgiveness of my sins. From that moment I started to look for Jésus in my life.
Prayers and victories
I can't say that I was delivered immediately but Jesus led me on my way to be healed.
I found a job,I got married, we have a child,I was baptized and now, my deep desire is to serve my Lord. Life is not easy when we are christian… We have to fight against our flesh, our thoughts but Jesus is on my side talking to me when I am at church,when I read articles from ''topchretien.com''. He always talks to me, He listens to my prayers ! When I pray for somebody's healing, He answers very often !
If you do not know Jésus ,please pray ! A simple prayer coming from the depth of your Heart! He will answer and will guide your life if you trust Him!
You can keep in touch with me if you want some more information concerning my testimony.