Life gets unpredictable
I used to think my life would be predictable.
I have this image of myself as a child writing in a journal that someone had bought for me, imagining what I thought my life would be like. I thought I would do well in school, maybe go to university and hopefully get a good job. All of this sounded great, but kind of boring and a bit predictable.
Not long before this I’d started going to church. The church I attended was a big cold medieval building. Going there I’d started to learn a little about Jesus. What I learnt I loved. Jesus struck me as a man full of integrity and I wanted to follow Him, but I wasn’t really sure how to do that or what that meant.
A few years later I did go to university. One of the friends I met there, a guy called Ross, talked to me a lot about my faith. Through those conversations I started to more fully understand what it was that Jesus had done. How through dying on the cross and rising from the dead He’d made it possible for all people to know God. What was more I discovered that following Jesus wasn’t meant to be boring but was meant to be an adventure, the best adventure anyone could ever have.
Towards the end of my time at university I had the sense that God was inviting me to do something that would scare me a bit, something that would cause me to actively trust Him more than I had been doing previously.
It was at this point I was given the opportunity to start working for a Christian organisation. Through that experience God has shown me what an adventure living for Him can be. It has taken me all over the world and has given me the opportunity to spend the best part of my work day doing something of great meaning, helping people discover Jesus for themselves and learn how to follow Him.
Gradually, God has shown me that life with Him is far from predictable and is a total adventure.