Only say the Word
Since childhood I was a good catholic girl: every day – a prayer, every Sunday – Holy Mass, every month – a confession, pilgrimages, festivals … But behind all this, I couldn’t feel the Lord in my heart, I couldn’t hear my name and as a small child throw myself into His arms. I suffered very much because of this, jealous of people who could feel His presence in the Eucharist, took offense, cried and asked: "Why, God? Why did they hear your voice, and I – no?" I took part in all divine services as before, but more mechanically than with a pure heart. In my soul it was dark and cold.
One day the priest invited me to a small parish – there was needed help with the prayer of praise. Despite the fact that the circumstances did not allowed me to go, I agreed and I was surprised. However, it was His will…
… Toward the end of the prayer, participants could take turns to approach the Blessed Sacrament and tell God all that was in their heart. I went to the end. I kneeled. A few minutes I looked at Him in confusion, not knowing what to say… I turned to Him those words that are pronounced during Mass before communion: “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and I shall be healed”. They came from my heart over and over again … And He spoke the Word of salvation! He came to me! … I stood before Him in tears, shocked, happy. Really happy.
Since then I know for sure, I feel: the Lord is always with us! He is in chants and prayers Taize, in a guitar arpeggios and pizzicato orchestras. He is in the Word that was in the beginning, in its sound and sense, in his predestination and the existence in various forms – in the lyrical lines and prose. He is in the blue skies, in a light whiff of jasmine and linden trees, in trembling aspen leaves and the scent of fresh hay, in the buzz of a bumblebee and in the spines of a hedgehog. He is in the eyes of a child, in the smile passerby, in tears of mother and father's strong hand…
The Lord in the guise of each person every minute, every moment comes with one desire – to make you really happy! Open your heart to His goodness, mercy, and kindness! Look around, hug your neighbor and tell him that you love him! The wonderful world will open before you, full of heavenly light and genuine happiness. And in every drop of rain, in the singing of the nightingale, and in every, every person you will find Him – Love that raises above the weakness and sin, Love that envelops with the warmth and tranquility, confidence and strength, Love, which, like a faithful lighthouse, will direct thee the road to eternal happiness in the kingdom of heaven.