He called me by my name
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
(Isaiah 55:9)
I was standing in line like every other passenger, nervously going through all my papers, checking if I really had everything for the pass control. I had no idea what would expect me the next few months. I didn’t know that God could change my life completely almost overnight. Everything happened on a small island called Hawaii.
Before going to university I wanted to spend a year abroad, improve my English, and deepen my relationship with God. When I heard about serving as a volunteer on the YWAM base (Christian missionary base) in Kona, Hawaii, I thought that would be a good opportunity to see the world and at the same time get to know God better. Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international missionary organization. (want to know more à https://sabrinaforster.wordpress.com/ywam/)
I didn’t know why, but it felt like God was leading me there and I followed him.
The time there was amazing. I found a lot of new friends, the island was beautiful, and the music during the worship times was great. But something was still missing. I felt still lonely inside of me.
Running away from our problems, does not solve them! We might not be able to feel them at the moment, but they will come back eventually.
Only because I went from home to a beautiful island did not change my life. But how could I get healing of what had happened in the past?!
It was 4 am when I was sitting wide awake in my bed. “God, why can’t I sleep anymore?” I have never heard God’s voice that clearly answering me: “Sabrina, you are my precious daughter and I love you. I want to spend time with you. I want a personal relationship with you!” That was the missing puzzle I was looking for – a personal relationship with God. So I sat down, opened my bible, and had a long talk with God. Even though I had only been sleeping about three hours that night, I felt so awake the next morning. I was like a living jumping ball the whole day. So much joy and energy was coming out of me that day.
“The joy of the Lord is my strength!”
(Nehemiah 8:10)
I wanted more of that joy, the feeling to be so close to God. And how do we get that? It would actually be so simple. God is always looking out for us. He wants to find us, but do we let ourselves be found?!
That day I made a decision. I wanted to spend time with this loving God. I really wanted to get to know him. The rest of the time in Hawaii became more than awesome! Something had happened in my heart during that time. I have received healing, forgiveness, and a so much joy. I could forgive myself, could forgive what had happened in the past and put aside the things I had been struggling with. Finally I could truly love myself and my family.
Life still has its ups and downs, but I’m not walking through those situations on my own anymore. I have found the best friend I could ever have. He has given me that joy, peace, and identity I was looking for.
Especially in our weakest moments God will show his mercy and love for us!