
I am never alone

Since my childhood, I've always heard my parents say that Jesus loves me, He speaks, He listens, he makes promises and He fulfils them. It was easy to believe and trust all what they said because I was healed miraculously of polio and I started walking at the age of 3 or so. My faith and trust in Jesus was founded through my parents love for Him until I had to face a serious medical condition in my life.

  I was happily married with two lovely boys when the news came that I had a hole in my heart and I needed a surgery.  Medically speaking one in hundred could die on the table while undergoing surgery which could be me. There could be equipment failure - from heart lung machine back to heart can fail pumping.    Spiritually speaking I could have some generational curse - curse through my forefathers!!! Personal fear was who would take care of my children if I am gone.   I just wanted to live and not die. I longed to go to some healing ministry, be prayed over and get healed but that didn't happen. Finally the only option was to undergo the surgery. Finally the big day - the day before surgery or the last day with a hole in my heart arrived and at night, I decided I'd ask God what He has to say about the surgery; mainly am I going to die or live after the surgery???   To my great astonishment and surprise, as I opened the Bible, this beautiful promise came alive to me: I shall not die but live and declare His works - Ps 118:17 I slept peacefully that night. The God of peace surrounded me with His peace and true to His Word, I am alive to declare His works to you all. There have been several other situations where I've found Jesus to be real in my life's journey. He makes the impossible possible. He walks with me through desperate situations and assures me of His love. I am never alone.
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