Hannah Moran

London, UK

God's got a better plan

My relationship wth God has been marked since the beginning with the theme of trust, probably because I struggle so much with it. But God constantly proves His faithfulness to me. One moment in particular springs to mind. At the age of 18, I had spent the last two years of school working from morning until night, studying to get the best grades possible so that I could get into Cambridge University. I made my application, and was even called for interview, but when the letter came, they had rejected my application. My plans fell through and all the extra time and effort I had put into my studies seemed a waste. I had no back-up plan either. I remember sitting on my bed, with the letter in my hand, crying for a long time. My mother came into my room at one point, and tried to comfort me, "We're proud of you for getting this far. Now, maybe it's time to trust. Maybe God has a better plan." I did not feel like trusting. I was devestated, and reeling with uncertainty about my future. But as my mum left my room, I sank to the floor and cried out to God in one of the most raw prayers of my life. "God, I trust you. I don't know what you're doing. But I trust you." Three years later, I can say it was so worth it. I now study in London, and it's been such a blessing that I didn't get into Cambridge. The friendships I've made, the communities I've met and the adventures that I've had - above all the joy in living - since that day that I wept on the floor have made all of that uncertainty worth it. God has been so faithful.

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