A tsunami took me away!
My name is Ludovic, I was born in a Christian family but my adolescence was very difficult, following the divorce of my parents, my complexes and sickly shyness. About my 17 years, girls and drugs served me to escape reality. I continued to pray, only in bad times.
I sound hollow
At the end of my graduate studies, I got some good addresses and worked after two weeks of research. I came from a modest family and I burned my first salaries in outings with friends, family and drugs, no longer thinking about God. I enjoyed my revenge on life but I was also filled with a big emptiness …. A bit like a golden egg, adorned with diamonds, but hollow. During this period, more than once in my stupidities, I escaped death, prison and illness … In 2000, I meet my future wife, in May 2004, we get married and in October 2005, we receive the most beautiful gifts; Ornella! I thank God with all my heart and I stop all my nonsense. I begin to hear a distant voice telling me to thank God for His blessings, but "it is easier to stay at home than to go to church."
The ultimatum
At the end of April 2014, I hear this voice, in a strong but sweet intonation: "Ludo, now you decide: you come, or you stay!", And I instantly knew that I had to take my decision. Two days later, alone in a hotel, I kneel down: "Lord, if it's You, go ahead, show me the way." I prayed with all my heart; "I belong to you, guide me". No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. "John 6.44
A tsunami took me away
It was indescribable but two days later, I felt the Love of God, a tsunami of Love drowning me while I was driving. I realized how much, He had always loved me and not me, that every chance in my life was due to His intervention. I knew I was "saved to serve." Strong in my heart, His Holy Spirit said to me, "Do not judge and pass the message." It was really at that moment that I decided to follow Him. His presence was Great, Strong, filled with Love. It was so good, much better than anything I had known on this earth without Him.
The truth I have always sought
So after 25 years, I started going to church each time with a happy heart. At the same time, I have done a lot of research on religions: imagine for a moment that the Lord comes in person to reveal himself to you, the Creator of the universe, is it not a minimum to look for him and serve Him? I am convinced that God called me at a specific moment, for a definite reason beyond wanting to save my soul. Today, I am a passer-by for PassLeMot, ambassador of "Merci d'Exister" and head of the TopChretien's prayer group. It is wonderful to be a servant for the One who saved me and was so patient with me!
I invite you, if you have any doubt, to say to Jesus: "If you exist, reveal to me Your will in my life!" There are fights, there are tears but also a real joy and happiness to walk with Him.
"My eyes have seen you, my King, since then everything has changed."