Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
Have you ever felt defeated or that there is something missing in your life?
There was a time in my life where I realized I was, “Looking for love in all the wrong places.” I had a longing for unconditional love,” especially from those closest to me. I did some foolish things to satisfy my longings. On the outside I looked OK, but inside the pain and the shame grew. I was tired of trying. Defeated I cried, “God help me.”
Soon after my cry out to God, there was a miracle in my family. My parents had a radical change of heart that led to healing in our relationship. Before they were religious, but now it was different,. It was real faith.
Growing up I was taught the God loved me and I revered God, but something was missing. In my journey of discovering what that is, I started reading the Bible and going to a Bible teaching church. I discovered God’s plan for our lives is far better than I could have for myself. God created us to be with him, to have and abundant life and eternal life. But there is a big problem - sin. Sin is missing the mark of God’s perfect, holy standard. Sin separates us from God. Religion, morality, performance or intelligence will not fix that problem. But God is just, loving, and gracious. He made one clear way for mankind to be reconciled with Him – His Son, Jesus. Paying the price for our sins past, present and future, Jesus sacrificed his life on a cross, died, rose again and is a living God. Through him we can have forgiveness and eternal life. This is offered to everyone as a free gift but it requires faith and a response called repentance; turning from independence and sin, and trusting in Jesus Christ alone as Savior and Lord. The new life my parents, and every true believer have, comes from this kind of faith.
One day, overcome with God’s grace and love, I raised my hands in surrender, trusting Jesus Christ to save me and be the Leader of my life, no matter what the cost. After that moment, my life was never the same. Forgiveness has replaced my hurt and failures with hope and a future. I now have the life I was born to live. God even gave me a great husband and two beautiful girls who love the Lord. Even though there are many challenges and hard things in life I know that, “(Jesus) heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction…and set my feet upon a Rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” My hope is that, “Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.” (Psalm 40:2-3)