How Jesus Heal Me & Save me!
My Testimony Follow me, and I will make you fisher of men. (Mat 4:19) Greetings in the Precious Name of Our Lord Jesus. I am Ruffas Christee. I was born in a Nominal Christian family and never ever attend the church since childhood. When I was about 15 or 16 I dont know anything about Christ and even i was not baptized as well. When I was a child my grandmother taught me a lot about Jesus that he can give comfort and peace in all circumstances. I was very naughty child. Since I was the oldest among my brothers and sisters the family had a lot of hopes attached with me. My family decided to send me to a boarding school to focus on studies. So I was sent to school in Khanewal. There I learnt about Jesus a lot. But at the same time having new friends I was getting even naughtier. See in the Bible (Phil 4:19) My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. I became fond of football. I was a good player. One day I was playing football outside the ground. The ball dropped by old furniture around. There were a lot of sharp nails - hanging out of the furniture. I tried to kick the ball instead of picking it up. As a result one sharp nail went into my leg, piercing my flesh and bone. I was in pain and started to scream. The boys came for help and they took me to hospital. And I was admitted in the hospital. The doctor operated and took out the nail. But he said there are chances of getting infection since the nail old and had zinc on it. This may result to cut off the leg. I was dreadful to hear that bad news. I was so scared. When doctor went back after operating, I was on my bed and started to pray to Jesus asking him to heal me and protect from infection. I use to cry every day and pray.One days one of my friens he was an evangelist gave me the bible and tell me that there is a person in the bible who can save you and heal your leg. I told him i dont know Jesus who is he. He said to me pray after me and i did the pray for repentace and salvation after him and gave my life to Christ.Then he gave me the bible and said to me read the Gospel of John you will find Jesus who can heal you. I begen to read the gospel of john and finished it in 3 days. on the 4th day i begin to cry to him Jesus if you are real and alive come and heal me and i will fellow all the days of my life. Though doctor suggested cutting the leg but Jesus came to heale me in mignight. I thank God for saving my leg. After high school I came back home and joined college. (Mat 6:33) See first the kingdom of God, & His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. Then I started to drift away from the Lord. For 2 years I did not go to church or pray. I managed to get through college. When I was in University and during exam I got seriously ill. Then I again I prayed to Jesus and asked for forgiveness. I was recovered and successful in exams. Then I remembered what my granny used to say that, ‘Those children who make Jesus their friend then Jesus become their best friend. (Ps 34:10) The young lion lack & suffer hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. (Mt 7:7) As, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. And if his friends forget him but He never forgets or leave them, even he finds them and bring them to Him, love them and celebrate their return.” I have dedicated my life to Jesus and want to tell others about him particularly young people. Now i want to give all glory and immense to Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit through my whole life for doing great things in my life. Moreover, I want to win many souls for His Kingdom. I know that all people are very important in the sight of God. He is the Lord of compassion and now-are days he is looking for laborers because a crop is ready and this is the time to harvest because His second advent is very near. This is my mission. Amen! Praise the lord. See first the kingdom of God, & His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you. (Mat 6:33) Now i am serving Lord Jeus.net in Lahore, Pakistan. i would like to immence His Mighty name and want to bring many souls in his presence God Bless you ,your Family and Work.
Jesus is the only Healer & Saviour Praise God. I love you Jesus. Be Well, Your in Christ! Pastor Ruffas Christee Addres: Marriam Nishat Colony D-Block Gula, House #1726 , Lahore cantt Pakistan. E-mail: rev_ruffas_christee@yahoo.com Cell #+923238619127