Journey with God
I was born in Lithuania and I had a happy childhood with my family. But was sensitive child and deeply inside suffered then my parents had disagreements.
One day my mother brought a book home where Russian author wrote that our emotions, unforgiveness are connected to our diseases and disasters. I was reading these books many times and been deeply touched. I understood that I was angry on surrounding people and was carrying unforgiveness.
Author was writing about Gods love, forgiveness but not about Jesus Christ. There was a mixed teaching about religions. I thought that I have finally found the truth I was looking for.
One day after long preparations and entry exams I have received a letter from Christian LCC International University that I have been accepted. I was very delighted and soon became friends with foreign students. I was fascinated about how friendly, welcoming, open and caring they are. Most of them were Christians. At LCC, most senior lecturers from USA and Canada were voluntarily teaching and serving students.
I started to attend weekly chapel in between the lectures and my friends were telling me more about Jesus. My friend explained how Jesus Christ have transformed their lives and how He is amazing. I have accepted Jesus Christ them my american friend Thor Sawin prayed for me. I have felt peace in my heart instead of hatred and unforgiveness.
I am very thankful for the grace of Jesus Christ. He has carried me all my life, provided all I need and comforted me in all situations. Jesus Christ enables me to love and to forgive surrounding people. Thank you Jesus for Your everlasting Love and Grace! I love You Jesus Christ!
If you have any questions don't hesitate to write me @adomelis